How to Install your Aspire Atlantis 1 replacement Glass part:
These Atlantis Tank Replacement Pyrex glass tube part Sleeve from Aspire is the perfect way to get your Aspire Atlantis version 1 tank up and running again. Simply unscrew the base hardware, then remove your old broken or cracked glass part carefully, you may need a small screw driver (there are metal arms or pins holding the top cap and glass together) these should be bent ever so slightly away from the glass, to slide on and off the old glass to the new glass. Next, slide your new Aspire Atlantis glass part into the top cap. Make sure to twerk the pins so the glass is tight again against the top cap. Fill the tank with juice and screw on the base hardware with coil and you are ready to vape again! Every Aspire Atlantis 1 tank kit comes with one Replacement Pyrex Sleeve included.